Friday, November 12, 2010


Today I took a long lunch at work because I had too much going on -- a member of the family was diagnosed with a serious illness, our dog was killed (possibly by a coyote?), one car's in the shop, the other one needs it, Brent and I have been fighting, I'm exhausted, the house is a wreck, and the kids need baths pretty badly. While I was walking over to the closest thrift store for some "retail therapy" it occured to me that buying things is a strange way of coping with stress.

Everyone has ways of coping. These things are bred into us even as small children. As a child I would lock myself in my room and be alone if I was too stressed out. Some people eat when they're stressed. Some people cry, others talk it out, others yell and scream or get violent. All of these are ways of expressing one major thing

"I can't handle my life right now!"

Strange that we naturally turn to tangible things to relieve our stress (ie food, people, shopping) instead of the One that can relieve the stress and help you cope. Why do we do this?

There's something in the back of your mind somewhere that discounts God as a "stress management method". Something in there tells you that God is too busy, or not interested, or can't fix your troubles and there's no reason to focus on Him, because you can take care of yourself just fine. But the fact is, however, that you can't take care of yourself because look at you, you're sitting there with a half gallon of ice cream and a spoon!

Taking care of ourselves is something we pride ourselves in here in America. Pull up those bootstraps, do it yourself, etc. But it's not in the Kingdom mindset. Thats a natural (carnal) gut instinct that we have to work out of us. Think about it.


  1. First of all I am really really sorry for what is happening and the thing about your doggie broke my heart. I've always been very emotional when it came to animals:) But I am sorry to hear the rest as well. As for coping for ourselves, its true. But I think the shutting yourself in your room or the crying actually can be something that brings you closer to God. I have gotten from being upset with God to being ok with him in one break down. I think its hard to turn to God for lots of reasons, but I think when you do its very good for you. Good thoughts though

  2. So sorry about your stressful day and even sorrier about your dog. We lost our dog 2 weeks ago so the pain still fresh - as if we lost a family member. You always wonder did I tell the "family member" I loved him enough, did I take a recent picture, did I pet him enough, after they are gone, it is too late so tell everyone several times a day you love them, appreciate them, take lots and lots of pictures, but most of all live every day like it could be your last. Talk to God, what does He want you to do today that you have put off knowing you should be doing it? Take time first with God, then be on your way..............
