Something about teaching Judah to go to bed in his own bed has struck a chord within me. I wonder about how often we get into situations that God has to let us "cry it out"
The cry it out method is a method parents use when they've tried all the nice ways to put their kid down to bed (something he needs) and none of the easy ways worked. This method is generally a last resort for parents - its not what you want to do but your precious little one has just taxed the daylights out of your right mind. You don't know what else to try. He just has to cry it out and go to sleep.
As a parent of 3 children, I know this method works but its really a tough thing to do. In the process of teaching your child how to go to sleep, if you're like me, you turn the music up in the other room and put your head under a pillow, or you step outside just so you don't go and pick up the little one. He'll never learn to sleep on his own if he knows you'll come and get him if he cries hard and long enough.
Its not that you don't love your baby. Its not that you aren't worried about him, listening to make sure he isn't actually in need of something. In fact, part of the method involves making sure all his needs are met before you put him down. But there comes a time and a place that you just have to grind your teeth and suck it up and put that baby down.
God is illustrated as a Father again and again throughout the bible. And tonight, as I struggle to discipline my children in love, I wonder about how many times He has to let me cry it out.