Thursday, September 30, 2010

Combat Bride

A bride in combat boots.

If the church is the bride of Christ, this is the kind of bride we should be -- Ready to take on the world, ready to tear everything and anyone down that would stand in the way of taking the dark kingdom out and taking the world by force of love. And you can't do that in little ballerina slippers.

Ready to break out your combat boots, church?

There are 2 major kinds of church bodies that are pictured here. Ones that focus on the fight - the gathering of souls, the taking of the world, breaking down the doors of hell, etc. And, the ones that focus on being prepared for the return of our Lord, getting doctrine right, getting their lives right, getting things pretty and primped and lovely.

Father wants both.

1 comment:

  1. One foot with a combat boot on and the other a ballerina slipper. That is an awesome sight!
